I know I say this a lot...

...but I really do want to begin blogging everyday. I've said it before, and hopefully this is the last time I'll say it in such an aspirational tone. Today I will begin blogging everyday. ...And here's why...

In a recent MarieTV episode that I watched, she interviewed one of my idols. Seth Godin is a marketing genius, so naturally he delivered this gem.

"If you know that tomorrow, you have to say something about something you noticed, about something that might happen to help someone else, about an opinion you have that might stand the test of time, you will form those opinions. You will notice those opinions. 

You will invent those ideas. And if day after day, week after week, you leave this trail behind of thoughtful examination of your world, you can't help but get better at whatever it is you seek to do.

And if, as a byproduct, other people read it and trust you more - that's a jackpot. Right? My goal is not to have more readers. My goal is not to sell more books. My goal is be trusted in a way that I can make a change that I can seek to have happened in the world...

You gain trust and permission to talk to people by showing up in a way that you'd want someone to show up for you."