"Literally Can't Even"

5am musing: "Why the hell was I so exhausted last night?"

Have you ever had one of those evenings (or mornings... or full days) where, although you have a "to do" list a mile long, you physically cannot get yourself to do it? 

For me, last night, I was so mentally and physically exhausted that I sat down on the couch for a few minutes after I got home from work... and fell asleep immediately. Although I struggled to stay awake due to the work I needed to get done, Mr. Sandman would not relinquish his hold.

I guess I did work all weekend. I guess I have been working 12+ hour days for the past week or so. I guess I was tired... Although my mind and ego wanted me to keep going, my body took over and gave me a solid 9 hours' sleep.

But, guess what? The work I needed to get done is still waiting here for me! I checked one item off my list already this morning! Plus, I actually woke up on time today, which gives me time to blog. (This is something I have not done for my personal site since January.)

So, I guess the lesson is, if you legitimately "literally can't even," maybe you literally shouldn't be pushing yourself any harder. Your future self will thank you for it. I know mine did.