Nobody cares about what you think except...

Once you get through college (or maybe at some point during your undergrad program), you will come to the realization that the whole world is not centered around you. The globe is far bigger than you ever imagined, the people are more diverse, and only a statistically insignificant portion of them care about you and your feelings. 

Sure, your friends and family fall into that group. But a group of people you've never even met makes up a far larger portion... marketers.

Sure, they may not necessarily shed a tear if you got hit by a bus, but this group is the most concerned group of strangers you'll ever have worrying about your day-to-day lives.

Where were you born? What is your family like? Do you prefer coffee or tea? How was your day?

Why do they care?

By concerning themselves with how you feel, think, and behave, they can better understand how you tick... and therefore position themselves as the most appealing option to you at that very moment.

Think I am making this up? Well, I was listening to Brit Morin of Brit + Co on Girlboss Radio this morning, and she shared a story of her first segment on the TODAY show. An NBC executive gave her some areas to improve upon... the first of them being to get a simple, unassuming wedding band to replace her current wedding set.

The Logic: Her current wedding set, with its sparkle and shine, may "threaten" some of their predominantly female audience. They may see her diamonds and feel inadequate... thus making Brit instantly less likable.

It sounds ridiculous, but that's the magic of marketing.